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Thanks! Now im official member of it! :D

Oh! You have? can i get link to it? Because i dont see it here (Only patreon)

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it is on the main page :)

It would also be cool if you could crouch under tables to hide, and if animatronic spotted you, they would either drag you from the table, or just roll it over (if table rolled over, it wont return to its place, leaving you without a place to hide)

So... it's a good idea, I don't know if I can execute it (because making games is hard haha) but I'll test it here, and we have a Discord! If you want, you can comment there haha.

Also, if Chica's AI havent been changed since previos update (haven't played new version cuz poopy laptop's performance reason) then i think it should be a little bit changed. Cuz when she runs to you, it feels like shes sliding like if floor were an ice

It's been solved :) she's slower and more... dumb, and blind, because new characters will be added

question: I DONT have Linux, and never used it, and im just waiting for mobile version, but cant you just ask someone who you know with Linux if they can give you it or if they can test game? Or just create discord server with testers? Or Linux and Mac just have some issues with sharing files? Just curios.

P.S. Sorry for my English, im bad at explaining such complicated things:/

I can definitely do this! The problem is... it's hard to find someone who uses Linux, you know. In this case, I know it will work if I build for Android or Linux. The downside is... before building for Linux, I need to set up Unity to convert all the files for Linux build (I need to duplicate the folder), and for Android, I need to implement functional control for the Android screen (every time I make a new version) - I'm even thinking of converting all the controls to Unity's new system so that the game is compatible with both joystick and Android on the go.

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Yes! Thats what i meant about discord with testers in it! Im pretty sure with big fanbase this game has, there should be some people who willing to volunteer for testing for Linux. Also i like the idea about controls, since gamepad/joystick were sometimes annoying (Shoot and interact especially). But its up to you to decide if thats good idea or not. I just can give suggestions as a player (At least thats how i think that should work lol)

Mobile 0.5? When?

idk, soon maybe? :)

I know wine exists, but- could you release a Linux version without much more work? °3°

i can "release" a linux version... BUT, i can't test it... :)

When is the new android port going to be released and will it be as buggy as the last one always freezing and crashing


It didn't freeze and crash, actually there were two versions, one light and one heavy. Maybe you got the heavy version for your phone and it didn't work, but the Android version will be ready when the game has more content.

When is the update 👉👈

soon :)


How soon on phones ?🥸


If all goes well, first I'll try to produce a bit more of the map, finish the unfinished parts, add a few more FNAF characters, and then release another version. After that, I'll simultaneously release a version for Android.


I don't know why but the 2nd scene won't trigger for me
I stunned her, got close to her, started spamming f and it didn't worked
I then started button mashing but none of it worked either xD
is it bugged or how do you trigger it?

still not updated :) you can't trigger the second scene - yet

ah i see, thank you for letting me know

Just updated

(1 edit)

what did the update do?

No updates yet for public, sorry! But the patreon update just got a new map...


Low-key pretty cool game, not too lengthy as well as holding up to it's development stage!

Only thing I'd suggest moving forward is a gallery for the scene/s due to them only lasting so long, addition of new characters (friends and foes) and more storyline elements!

Other than that, I like where this project is heading and hope to see more in the upcoming future!


All your recommendations are already on the way! :D Soon I'll release a public update that you'll really like!

How to have sex with a chick? 


enable nsfw in main menu by pressing G, them let she get you :)

is the game getting updated or ar you working on other projects


Both at the same time! 

Just developed a new urp shader for materials and I'm rebuilding the entire map (plus the not released update) with the new shader.

The other projects are just means to earn income so i can keep creating my main games, like this one!

So... can't say the new update will be released soon (it was expected to be released two weeks ago) but when it releases, it will be a almost complete rework of the game!

Awesome just wanted to know if it was on hiatus or not

(1 edit)

Has the second scene been fixed yet

Yup and no, it was fixed, erased, and rebuild haha

question, will the game have only chica or will it have other animatronics as well?

Until now, 4 animatronics! maybe more in the future - if my lazy ass animates every character scene... 

4? I only saw Chica and that's it

is the 2nd scene now available

Is this a question or is it already available?


I'm finishing a game here that I'm going to release, and soon I'll also release a micro-update for this game to fix the second scene :)

The thing is, I've already done a lot more things in the game, but I would have to polish it to release with more content, so I'll just disable those contents and release the fixed game haha


maybe add in a cheat mode that has a panel of well, cheats, like no death, all keys, etc, etc, for those who just want porn

There are already cheats, f2, f3, f4... try it out :D

Is there anyway to access them on mobile


nope, sorry!

Only if you have a pc virtual keyboard app in yout phone

um what exactly do each of them do



adding in context actions

like a door you can close on chika to mate her without being hurt

maybe a bed room where if you sit down chica will come in and see us and mate us with kindness over pain giving us 0 damage

also maybe add in punishments

maybe each girl can have things she dont like maybe for chica we need to move thru a kitchen to get a key item

if she finds us in there we will get an instant kill screen where she chokes us out while mating us

Nice ideas!

also can i make a suggestion

make it so we have say 3 times to be aggressive mated aka when she grabs us outside of the other two ideas 

aggressive mates will do 1 point of damage over killing us when its over

you can get caught 3 times and take no punishment for a finish

a new animation that could be good is a shakey knees animation for the first grab where our guy gets up slowly with shakey legs

the 2nd time he passes out where chica could be laying next to us with a smile as we go to get up she helps us up and then try to guide us outside of the compound

the 3rd one will kill us because we get used to much and maybe after she pushes us on the 3rd we get knocked out and maybe something in her coding is bugged so she counts dead bodys or "dead bodys" as sex toys

in turn she thinks we are dead and with this code we get fucked so hard that she drains us of our life force like a little sucubus

when im talking about aggressive mates

the ideas i had would include 3 forms of sexual engagements

1.passive sex aka context interactions like beds, leaning against walls, maybe even some cases where we enter cabnets and she finds us to use us inside of them

2.aggressive sex normaly not involving instant death but these harm the player while giving off a first person sex screen like the passives

3.personal sex aka these would be instant kills you get into something the girls hate you being in as stated chica with the kitchen fexa being the back stage fred maybe being management offices and bonny maybe a gaming area of course depends on what you want their personalitys to be

each girl will do a personal animation involving them choking us out like the ai or even if you want to do the spirt thing you could but its something they take as a personal hit to them

maybe chica was a chef spirt so she hates people being in her kitchen

also an idea for chicas personal could be if shes making pizza maybe she places us next to the area she makes pizza and she sits on us mating us while she preps the pizza she only gets off to go and place the pizza in the stove

to cook them

your game is honestly amazing
so far I haven't noticed any bugs and it works smoothly for me.
I also wanted to ask, what could we expect in the next version?


Other characters, a larger map with access to more levels, backrooms with automatic generation, improved graphics (especially textures haha), more animations, weapons, functionalities (like options menu), gallery, intro, and a new map accessible by a train, new puzzles, decreased difficulty, and other things I can't talk about yet...


I'm actually going to release an update primarily to fix bugs and expand the game minimally so that everyone has more to play. The big update, which will be released in about a month, will include all the features previously mentioned.

all of that sounds pretty exciting, and yeah i figured there would be one update to fix bugs, i either didn't noticed any or haven't experienced any
anyway, your game is honestly great and i'm looking forward to both updates 

graphics options would be nice

i only get like 3 frames per second

yup in next version, i forgot to place options menu

Bro, this game is amazing! I will wait for more scenes in the next update)

thanks man!

When is the next update coming?


Perhaps next week? I'm finishing up another project right now, then I'll tackle one more update for this game...

I'm having trouble using controller on android is it the gand or me 

Is not 100% supported, i think you cant shoot in joysticks... because how its configured.

How do i enable nsfw on mobile ? Cant find it maybe im blind

Botttom of the screen, theres a button

Can you also add female protagonist and futanari



This game is horribly difficult

Skill issue ;D
Jokes aside, chica will be easy to deal in future builds.

will there be a high end version for PC?
and do more futanari!!!

I'm doing it right now, buddy! :D In fact, I'm doing something you're going to really like... Look here:

So will there be more animatronics added or is it just Chica?

Of course, there will be more :)

I've been searching for 15 minutes and I can not find the level 1 key card.. Where is it hidden? 

On a side note.. I heard her stop right next to my left ear, then I heard her say "who wants candy?" to my right?  How did she make it from one side of the room to the other, without making a noise,  and within like 2 seconds??

There's both definitely a lot of potential to be had here as well as a lot of polish and cooking needed. Looking forward to seeing how the project shapes up because honestly with some adjustments and such it would definitely be a pretty fun game. 

Biggest gripe is definitely the sound design. I feel like the animatronics, with how heavy they are, should always be making noise when they move. Especially since our own foot steps are so loud as well. Can never tell whether or not chica is just around the corner or on the opposite side of the map, not to mention whether or not she's still chasing you when it goes completely silent but when you turn around she's still there.

Some hiding spots would be nice, kinda like in SB, if only because escaping a chase involves a lot of weaving through obstacles and it can be a coin flip if you break the AI enough to get them off of you so you can crouch in a corner somewhere or if they're just on you like a hawk.

Its an interesting mixture of luck and skill but could definitely shape up to something great with time. Lookin' forward to future updates.

Thanks for the comment, man! Funny thing is, some of the "issues" you pointed out are actually part of the game, haha! Like, your steps being loud to make you aware that you're noisy and need to move slowly. Chica has loud steps, but with a "bug" of distance, the excessive loud sounds obscure her footsteps (your footsteps, ambient sounds, etc). The current version already features ventilation ducts, and you can enter some places that I won't spoil, but indeed, her AI is totally random. When she sees you, a random value is thrown, if it's above 50, she saw you, if not, she "pretends" she didn't. Similarly, she listens to your footsteps, and the AI randomly decides whether to check the noise or not. She also notices your flashlight, but anyways, I'll soon release an improved version of the game. I only release significantly enhanced versions of projects, not small updates. It'll arrive first for Patreons, and a few days later for the public (so I can receive feedback on bugs, major errors, and relevant opinions).

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I tried getting the 2nd scene using the shotgun and interacting but it didnt work

NSFW mode was on

It's a bug, I've already fixed it... it was a collision issue. Before releasing the game, I added code so that when Chica's character controller gets hit by a bullet, she wouldn't take a second hit while falling, and I forgot to fix it.

when will it get fixed or how can I obtain the 2nd scene?


in next version :)

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This is interesting, i would love to see more. It definitely has potential.

also, I found the red card once, could never find it again. Tried about 50 more times, still no red card.





Card locations for version 0.31 :
Right side of Foxy Cove
Restroom, right side of toilet
Above Foxy Arcade Machine
Security Room, the room you spawn

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Yeah 2nd scene doesnt work, tryed it many times but doesnt work

pretty cool, found out if you strafe you move faster


I don't know if I was super lucky the first 5 runs but now, I can't even get out of the office and I used to be able to outrun her, but now I can't.  Hell, the first 5 runs I could walk up right behind her and slap her on the ass. Now she spots me in the doorway every time I spawn in.


bad luck, get gud xD
jokes aside, she can see your flash light and hear your footsteps...

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Yeah, I turned off the flashlight and even crouched, she could still see me. I had to hide behind the desk and wait till I couldn't hear her anymore, then sneak out and hope she actually left.
Sometimes she doesn't even warn you that she saw you. No footsteps no nothing. I have had her sneak up behind me thinking I was being sneaky crouching and peeking around corners. I've walked around with the flashlight off and she saw me from across the map while I was two rooms and a hallway away from her. I am talking, she was just a few pixels on my screen. I know she's a robot but her cone of vision is crazy!


Well... maybe it's just bad luck after all? I mean, she's completely RNG, even in detecting you. I use the random float function for her to decide if she heard or saw you, in tests she sometimes seems blind or I don't even see her on the map, sometimes she's like a panther, spoiler about a function, she has two states when hunting, going towards a random waypoint in search of the player, or going to a waypoint closer to the player, if she hears you, she will ALWAYS go to the last position of the sound she heard (she creates a game object where she heard the sound and follows that game object), and lastly a tip, look for the shotgun, every time you shoot her, you reset her system and gain 5 seconds to escape, right after she catches you and you get up, you can also shoot her, I hope this helps!

(In the future I will make her easier, because the other animatronics are going to be MUCH harder... especially Roxanne Wolf who will run through the corridors instead of walking)

Why low fps on Android version my phone 8 gb ram

Unfortunately, I can't achieve both performance and quality; it's either one or the other. Even my Samsung Fold 2 doesn't run it at 60 fps. Unfortunately, the issue lies in how Unity handles real-time lighting, even without shadows, with low view distance, and simple lit textures. The game remains heavy but playable. (The Fold has 12 GB of RAM.)

If your device still can't run the game, I recommend trying the low-end version until I figure out how to optimize its lighting for Android. (After all, it's the lighting that weighs down the game.)

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The game is really great and quite high quality for its type of genre .

I just wanted to know what are the proper requirements for running the game smoothly in phone cuz after getting jumpscared the game crashes for me 

Edit:- do you plan on adding more girls than just GR chica?

First, the minimum requirements for PC are a GT 730 with 4GB of RAM and 8GB of DDR3 RAM, and an Intel i5-750 processor for the high-end version. For the low-end version, a GT 8800 with 512MB of RAM, 4GB of DDR3 RAM, and a dual-core 2.3GHz processor should work.

Second, I intend to add more characters such as...
Roxanne Wolf
Funtime Foxy
Montgomery Gator Female
and maybe... some secret characters :)

Will like to see them all but also some older characters also you could add like puppet or baby(circus baby) or ballora since you chose a funtime character I would like to see them as well in future updates

Lmao, is this inspired in Fap nights at Frenni's by FatalFire? I'm really interested

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Absolutely! Man, that game is awesome! The difference is that this game has more focus on story and survival horror than arcade and open gameplay...

not gonna lie, after that game, I've been looking for other game with those characteristics (nsfw 3d game where you can walk arround and do tasks) so I just found gold here, I will watch your career with great interest

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