A downloadable Discord Link

Join our community today ! 交わる

Get involved in the community!

There, you'll have access to various content, some free early access, participate in voice calls, play both with the devs and with other like-minded people, and if any game goes paid, there's a chance it might become free for some free members!

Help grow the community and make it yours!

The more the community grows, the wider we'll become, thus opening a range of opportunities for both people with similar tastes to connect and for us to understand the preferences of our followers and create more games/animations that appeal to you all!

Help in the production of games and animations and make money doing it!

We're always on the lookout for freelancers to assist us with assets for our projects, and it's hard to find people to help us, even when paying. So, by participating, it might be your chance to earn that extra money and still be involved in works that you'll really enjoy!